Every aspirant that looks forward to securing a seat in a prestigious university always has this question – What summer activities can I participate in? What internships will boost my CV and instantly push my application to the ‘yes’ pile? Where do I invest my time during summer vacations? What can I do to get selected into the college I desire instantly? And so on.. 

Look no further! Credge is here to rescue you from this never-ending slippery downslide. To make it easier for you, we would be mentioning the potential benefits of taking up any kind of activity, course, or internship during your summer holidays based on the qualities the admissions officer is looking for in a student. 


This is a much neglected but extremely crucial aspect of any activity or project that you undertake. The admissions officer inspecting your applications wants to know how enthusiastic and eager you are about your passion. There are two ways of looking at this- one if you have already discovered your passion and two if you haven’t and are 70% convinced. For the first scenario, choose activities that bathe in your passion. 

For example, If cooking and serving delicious, creative food drives you, choose a culinary activity. If wanting to solve a humanitarian crisis affecting a section of the community speaks to you, engage in activities or organisations within the community that have the same purpose. 

If you haven’t yet figured out the essence of where your passion lies, do not worry. Make a list of top 3 to 5 hobbies or happy places of yours and engage your time in each one of them to discover your passion. 


Any aspect of your life that is important would need a pinch or more of perseverance. You may not achieve your goal or see results/ outcomes when you expect them but persevering through these times is what will surely give you what you desire. The same applies for this. Just choosing an internship or activity and then approaching it with reduced intent is a strict red flag for evaluators. 

For example, you chose to volunteer for an NGO that works for women empowerment and welfare as this social cause and upliftment of women matters a lot to you. You start your first day and pull it through a week, however, due to family constraints, travel restraints or more such conditions you withdraw your participation. 

This is a clear negative. The reader would like to see you make some commendable discoveries and/or serve the purpose of the activity you have undertaken during your summer vacations wholeheartedly. 


While capturing creative opportunities is not always possible, being creative in what you have been offered is. The most common mistake aspirants do is searching for out of the box endeavours, which ultimately either gives them one if they are lucky and have a lot of contacts or ends up in them losing other opportunities. Try avoiding such a mistake. 

Do not go around looking for creativity, be creative in what you have. Create a roadmap full of the exemplary characteristics you behold. Give your peers an essence and presence of you by enhancing their journey while working alongside you. Solve the local Bermuda triangles in your organisation/community with curiosity-driven eyes and a creative mind. 

Some examples of summer programmes you can undertake are:

  • A summer program within your high-school or college level
  • An initiative on a community level solving a problem that your community is facing.
  • Volunteer for an NGO. There are many out there, and many in need of any form of assistance too.
  • Entrepreneurship in any field you like. 
  • Applying for internships within your interests
  • Involving in job-shadowing opportunities that would give you a simulated peek into the real world. 
  • Enrol yourself and start preparing for competitive exams like SAT, ACT IELTS, TOEFL and more
  • Last but not the least, use your imagination and break the glass wall. 

Also, do not hesitate to approach us! Credge is always here to help you. We have hundreds of companies in our network and we can assist you in finding the right internship/summer programs. We can also connect you with professors at various institutions for research projects. You can call us or write to us at info@credge_wp_user

View our Internedge down below Brochure to identify how we cam help you this Summer!